The dependence of businesses on the transport sector is relatively higher as compared to the other sectors. The transport sector in India accounts for 6.4 percent share of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Currently, the transport sector emissions fall under the Scope 3 category for organisations accounting their corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These organisations either calculate emission factors based on assumptions or use internationally available emission factors. These approaches could have significant errors and may not be relevant to the Indian context.
With the objective of facilitating a uniform accounting basis for Indian organisations, the India GHG Program has initiated activities with support from CII, to determine India Specific Emission factors. The programme strives to increase accuracy in GHG emission inventorisation and contribute to significantly standardise the measurement and management of GHG emissions in India.
The secretariat has adopted a multi-stakeholder approach to arrive at the transport emission factors. It set-up working groups with representatives from the industry, policymakers and practitioners to arrive at a methodology to estimate India specific transport emission factors.