Program Framework

Particulars Tier 3 Outline Tier 2 Outline Tier 1 Outline

Current Level of GHG Management

Tier Criteria

1.Inventory not being done, just being ready or only the baseline data exists

2.Dedicated team, formal institutional set-up and structure non-existent

3.No mention of reduction goals

4.GHG Activities at functional or operational level (and not at Board or CEO level)

1.Inventor being done for the last 3-4 years

2.Dedicated team orset-up existing

3.Partial or no linkage with organizational strategy and overall business goals

4.Goals or Target’s undertaken (Internal or Publicly declared)

1.Robust practiceand set-up existing for inventorisation,public reporting and GHG management

2.Voluntary targets orgoals undertaken and declared publically

3.GHG Aspects thoroughly integrated with the overall business strategy (Boardlevel Focus)

Basic Program Offering –Training &Capacity Building

Training/capacity building(at individual company levellimited to 2-3 units/ commoncluster)

a. Setting up internal processes / systems

b. Completing Inventory

c. Incorporating GHG aspects in organizational structures

Training / capacity building (common sessions)

a. Scope 3 tool

b. Incorporating GHG across the organizational strategy

c. Training on public reporting

d. Goal setting

Training / capacity building (common sessions)

a. LCA

b. Economics of Carbonneutrality

Basic Program Offerings –Standardized tools,guidelines etc & support on inventorisation.

Scope 1 & 2 Customized tool(very broad level customization for each company

Relevant National /International Benchmarking

Scope 1, 2 and 3 Customized tool (very broad level customization for each company)

Relevant National / Intl. Benchmarking

Top level review of existing systems, processes etc. and broader suggestions

Relevant National /International Benchmarking

Basic Program Offerings – Branding & Recognition
  1. Rewards & Recognition

  2. Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies
  1. Rewards & Recognition

  2. Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies

  1. Rewards & Recognition

  2. Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies

Basic Program Offerings – Opportunity to participate in policy engagement & advocacy
  1. Opportunity to participate in policy round tables

  2. Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
  1. Opportunity to participate in policy round tables

  2. Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
  1. Opportunity to participate in policy round tables

  1. Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
Basic Program Offerings – GHG Management
  1. Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).

  1. Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc
  1. Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).

  1. Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc
  1. Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).

  1. Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc.
Expectations from Member Companies
  1. Commitment:

    1. To establish a dedicated team

    2. To complete inventory (Scope 1 & 2 in first year, Scope 3 from second year onwards)

    3. Start incorporating GHG aspects in organizational structures (at least 2 or 3 functions to begin with eg., Purchase, Administration, etc.)
  1. Board level commitment:

    1. To complete inventory (Scope 1, 2 & 3)

    2. Take inventory data public

    3. Commit for GHG emission reduction targets – either internal or display in public domain

    4. Incorporate GHG aspects across the organizational strategy (eg., part of organisational policy / goals, across all functions within the organization)

  1. Optional: Mentor new members and help them define their GHG management plans
  1. Board level commitment:

  1. Initiate LCA (product level)

  2. Incorporate GHG aspects in all organizational strategic decision making (eg., investments, mergers, new projects, key suppliers, etc)

  1. Optional : Green Procurement guidelines & practices

  1. Optional: Mentor new members and help them define their GHG management plans