Current Level of GHG Management
Tier Criteria
1.Inventory not being done, just being ready or only the baseline data exists
2.Dedicated team, formal institutional set-up and structure non-existent
3.No mention of reduction goals
4.GHG Activities at functional or operational level (and not at Board or CEO level)
1.Inventor being done for the last 3-4 years
2.Dedicated team orset-up existing
3.Partial or no linkage with organizational strategy and overall business goals
4.Goals or Target’s undertaken (Internal or Publicly declared)
1.Robust practiceand set-up existing for inventorisation,public reporting and GHG management
2.Voluntary targets orgoals undertaken and declared publically
3.GHG Aspects thoroughly integrated with the overall business strategy (Boardlevel Focus)
Basic Program Offering –Training &Capacity Building
Training/capacity building(at individual company levellimited to 2-3 units/ commoncluster)
a. Setting up internal processes / systems
b. Completing Inventory
c. Incorporating GHG aspects in organizational structures
Training / capacity building (common sessions)
a. Scope 3 tool
b. Incorporating GHG across the organizational strategy
c. Training on public reporting
d. Goal setting
Training / capacity building (common sessions)
a. LCA
b. Economics of Carbonneutrality
Basic Program Offerings –Standardized tools,guidelines etc & support on inventorisation.
Scope 1 & 2 Customized tool(very broad level customization for each company
Relevant National /International Benchmarking
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Customized tool (very broad level customization for each company)
Relevant National / Intl. Benchmarking
Top level review of existing systems, processes etc. and broader suggestions
Relevant National /International Benchmarking
Basic Program Offerings – Branding & Recognition |
Rewards & Recognition
- Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies
Rewards & Recognition
Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies
Rewards & Recognition
Creation/dissemination of success stories/achievements/experiences – only for founding member companies
Basic Program Offerings – Opportunity to participate in policy engagement & advocacy |
Opportunity to participate in policy round tables
- Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
Opportunity to participate in policy round tables
- Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
Opportunity to participate in policy round tables
- Creation of policy briefs and lead the policy discussion
Basic Program Offerings – GHG Management |
Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).
- Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc
Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).
- Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc
Broader guidance on GHG reduction opportunities (expert discussions/facility walkthrough for 1-2 locations).
- Opportunity to plug into business solutions proposed by the program like the Green Power Market Development Group etc.
Expectations from Member Companies |
To establish a dedicated team
To complete inventory (Scope 1 & 2 in first year, Scope 3 from second year onwards)
- Start incorporating GHG aspects in organizational structures (at least 2 or 3 functions to begin with eg., Purchase, Administration, etc.)
Board level commitment:
To complete inventory (Scope 1, 2 & 3)
Take inventory data public
Commit for GHG emission reduction targets – either internal or display in public domain
Incorporate GHG aspects across the organizational strategy (eg., part of organisational policy / goals, across all functions within the organization)
- Optional: Mentor new members and help them define their GHG management plans
Board level commitment:
Initiate LCA (product level)
Incorporate GHG aspects in all organizational strategic decision making (eg., investments, mergers, new projects, key suppliers, etc)
Optional : Green Procurement guidelines & practices
- Optional: Mentor new members and help them define their GHG management plans