
Effective adoption of internationally accepted and locally relevant standards to measure GHG emissions enables a company to understand its emissions profile, assess its climate and investment risks, and prepare an adequate response and mitigation strategy. The use of relevant standards and accounting principles, also goes hand-in-hand with additional inputs on building capability for the application of relevant calculation methodologies, access to relevant benchmarking data and insights, inputs on sectoral best practices and how everything fits into the overall big picture. 

The India GHG Program, with specific expertise from the GHG Protocol, WRI, TERI and CII - aims to dissemminate significant in-house expertise and sectoral knowledge on GHG Inventorisation, Energy and Emissions Management. The experts are well positioned to capitalize on the expertise contained within three of the premier organizations in the arena, to build capacity within member companies. In this section, a selection of resources including videos and blogs and other publications cover a host of activities including the business implications of GHG emissions, the use of a specific and robust measurement framework, the inclusion of business specific case studies and best practices, and more advanced inputs in terms of engaging with the value chain. 

Please contact the India GHG Program Secretariat for any specific comments, insights or requests pertaining to GHG measurement and management.