India Specific tools are developed in close collaboration with the GHG Protocol, WRI, TERI and CII experts. These will be extensively reviewed through a robust stakeholder engagement process with the founding member companies to ensure that they are in conformance with local, Indian business requirements as well as being consistent with the GHG Protocol Suite of Tools. Do reach out to the India GHG Program Secretariat for additional details.
Do-It-Yourself GHG Accounting Tool
The tool provides a do-it-yourself approach for the corporate sector in India, thereby optimising on effort needed for compiling relevant and appropriate information. The tool supports companies with limited resources and capabilities to compile and evaluate/share relevant carbon footprint related information for internal decision making or engaging with partners. Currently, the tool would be available in an Excel based format as well as a web-based solution - which progressive set of companies could look at road testing and initial deployment across business facilities.